
Holiday Lunch at Jimmy’s

Dressed up for the Holiday Lunch

Great time at the Holiday Lunch

Holiday Lunch
Big Bowl Happy Hour afterFlicks
Quiche and more at Holiday Coffee Break
Curtain Up! outing to Open Eye
Hilarious A Christmas Carol play
The show is about to start

Holiday Coffee Break

Great dinner atPatrick’s beforeOpen Eye show
Riding in style while looking at the Lights

Holiday Light Tour

Ready for the Christmas Coffee Breakers
Holiday Light Tour

Holiday Lights Galore!

Volunteering at VEAP

We have lots of great cooks among the Card Sharks
Mill City Museum Tour
Another great cake by Mary!

Touring the Galleria Flower Show

Curtain Up! theater outing

Coffee Break at Patrick’s

Ready for High Tea Ladies

High Tea at Sally’s

High Tea Treats

All set for High Tea

High Tea Table

Lunch at Chao Bella
High Tea with Sally’s Tea Pot Collection

High Tea

English Bone China Tea Cups

Scones, Petit Fours & Tea Sandwiches

Raising our pinkies

Lunch Bunch
Summer Blooms

Happy Hour at Sally’s Garden
Garden Party Sights

Saturday Supper at Patti’s

Cruising Lake Minnetonka

Touring the MN Zoo

Happy Hour in Sally’s Garden
Como Conservatory

Holiday Potluck and Lights Tour at Anne’s
Coffee Breakers Love the Original Pancake House!
Holiday Coffee Break at Sally’s
Coffee Break in Marcia’s Garden
Happy Hour in Sally’s Garden

Volunteering for VEAP